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Greetings from my cage - Updates and New Books

Greetings my awesome sycophants, who here thinks I’m great? Anyone?

“But Rob, you are off doing your Dellerin shit and we just want March of Magnus,” I hear you shout, and… well… you might hate this update. I have a fantastic new novella out…. set in the Dellerin series. It's called The Crimson Hunters vol 1. Go buy it and then tell me I’m great, or not. Whatever.

Anyway, you needn’t have read The Seven to enjoy this light-hearted book, but if you are going to read it, I would recommend you read the Seven first because then I’ll make more money.

If the Seven is perceived to be dark, The Crimson Hunters is the polar opposite. I had an absolute blast writing it and I just cannot wait for the world to meet these hapless heroes. They have told me to subtly drop in that you should imagine Guardians of the Galaxy in Westeros. So there it is.

THE CRIMSON IS A NOVELLA, (as I said) and there is a sequel called The Crimson Hunted (clever eh?). It was supposed to come out far later this year but fuk it, it's done, it's sitting there, and for the first time with management, I got my way. It's out tomorrow. Buy it too.

Wow, it just dawned on me I could have started this post with the line “SEQUEL RELEASE DATE” and everyone would have had conniptions. Instead, I went with the sycophants joke. My click bait game is well off.

Right to matters of the Spark.

It’s going slower than I’d like. Nothing serious, I wrote the last draft 5 years ago and I’d like to think I’ve improved as a writer since then. In layman's terms, I suppose what I am doing is not just a simple hd remaster. It’s more a full remake on many lines and the further I’ve dug in, the more I’ve discovered this. Some days are wonderful, others are difficult, but every day I work and rework through thousands of words. This is my absolute priority. Have heart my friends, since Spark City launched a year and a half ago, I’ve written, edited, rewritten, re-edited, and released 4 books. Keep that in mind when lamenting my apparent idleness. I love Spark City, and I’m loving writing March of Magnus. I’ve always had potential release dates in my head but fuk it, you’d be surprised how distracting a ticking clock can be. As if the tremendous pressure I’ve put on myself trying to get this right for you all wasn’t enough already? I would imagine I’ve another few months ahead of grinding. Months. Not Grrm or Rothfuss months by the way. (All hail my heroes.) So with edits and reedits, it’ll be later than I expected. When it's ready, I promise I will make this the best frigging sequel the world has ever seen. (Apart from the Crimson Hunted, of course.)

Right, that’s it. Take care, guys.



John O'Connor
John O'Connor

Sorry Robert I never, ever read novellas. I don't care if they provide info for a book in the series I'm reading - I'll catch up. I also very rarely read other books by the same author just because they wrote it. I get emotionally invested in the characters in the series and as result I tend to not read any offshoot of a series either. That all said - write what you want to write.


James Woods
James Woods

Just finished it (was recommended by Amazon - only 99p?). Loved it. The Wolf pack terminology took a while to grow on me, but it really worked once the world building came together. Characterisation was exceptional, epic moments were extremely well done and you managed to make a 20 year old protagonist likeable. Great work man.


some guy
some guy

Those editors are 'tards. I'll read Dellerin simply on the strength of Spark City alone. You've got a flippant style that took a little getting used to, but either it mellowed a little through the course of the book or maybe it grew on me or both, but it works for you. It sort of channels Marcus Wester and Yardem for me, which I like.

You've got a great story. You've got a great style (I loved the reveal for Erroh's ... condition). Believe in it and yourself and FINISH THE DAMN STORY. Or, paraphrasing something I heard somewhere, "You’ll write whatever the fuk I tell you to write!!!"


Robert J Power
Robert J Power

You’ll read whatever the fuk I tell you to read!!! Ha, obviously I’m joking. In fact, I’m in complete agreement. Were I in your shoes, I’d be fuken pissed. I mean that. Thank you for choosing your words so respectfully. So why did I do it? Why did I just go and release a brand new series with bells and whistles when my first series isn’t completed? Well, I will be blatantly honest. I cannot tell you how it felt to spend years writing something I felt so passionate about and releasing it to zero interest whatsoever. I’m not alone. I know so many amazing writers suffering the same misery. This is a rough world to hop in to. I…


some guy
some guy

Here's da ting... So far Spark is a lot like Rothfuss - I love the story, but ... where's the rest of it? Sorry if this sounds cold re: Dellerin, but there's no way I'm going to start a *new* series until you show me you can finish what you start! Winter is NOT freaking coming and I refuse to ever watch those stupid TV shows. Bring on the Spark City Winter and I will snarf it down then jump to Dellerin as you *then* move to focus on that :)

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