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March of Magnus update

Hi folks,

I thought I’d put in a few quick words to update you on what I’ve been doing the last while. (Actually this isn’t my idea at all, I’m a total recluse at heart, wary of climbing out of my hole but they promised me the stinging guilt would lessen as to why March of Magnus isn’t out already. I don’t know, so far I’m just missing my hole.)

Right, a quick history on how I’ve become the writer I am. A few years ago I decided to write a book. Not just any book, but a Spark City type book. So, fuk it, I threw myself into it like an idiot. Somehow, within three or four months I’d written the first draft of Spark City and I kept going.

“Stupid Rob, we know this already,” I hear you saying as you reach for the BLOCK AUTHOR BUTTON. Don’t… by the will of the absent gods….PLEASE DON’T BLOCK ME!!!! YOUR LOVE IS WHAT FUELS MY DESIRE!!!!!! Okay, I’ve just been told, this is no place for my old chat up lines. It’s a shame cos I have a few witty ones.

Anyway, after I finished Spark and its swift rewrite (six weeks) I took a few days, played a little Skyrim and wished it was like Oblivion (calm down- I’m old, and for the time it was a vastly superior game. Sure, Skyrim is awesome and all, that but I’m telling you, when you leave the caves at the beginning of Oblivion to all that freedom…shivers. Yes I know I play too many video games.) After my brief respite, I went on to write the first draft of March of Magnus which took a few months longer (It’s twice the length of Spark at the moment). Soon after I began to write the third in the series “The Outcasts” (Which has been read by one person who swears it’s the best of all three) Now, by then as much as I loved Spark City and only had the final part “The Actions of Gods” to complete…..I needed a break. Truth be told, I had another world I wanted to get into and get into I did. And its great, my favourite sycophants tell me so.

(I also wrote a humour book under a pseudo name that went number one in a few random charts but that’s an entirely different plug update.)

So here I was, with Spark City released to no fanfare whatsoever, I was happy to leave it out there shuffling along as I spent my time preparing the new world I KNEW would catapult me into the upper echelon of elitism and make all my ridiculously successful friends eat shit…. congratulate me and start inviting me back out to dinner parties and such.

Problem is, Spark started to gain a little following didn’t it? Spark just went and outperformed beyond my wildest expectations and got in the way of my simple plans which were never going to work. And it’s all your fault. You guys are fuken amazing. The support has blown me away. I cannot tell you how much your kind words have infused me and torn me apart with guilt in the same moment.

I sit here having ruined myself writing the first three tales from Dellerin (“The Seven.” And “The Crimson Hunters” & “the Crimson Hunted”). They are off on their merry adventures with my editor and they’re coming very very soon. I promised myself some time with “Red Dead Redemption 2,” after I completed them but alas it sits in its case. I just can’t rest. Not with the support I’ve received. I read the reviews you guys leave, I read the emails and I just want to climb back into my hole and emerge with something special for you (and at a reasonable price too).

The next couple months, you’ll hear me spout about Dellerin this and Dellerin that, and you’ll be thinking “The Fuk Rob??? Where’s the main course???”.

Rest assured as I promote, I’m secretly kicking ass on March of Magnus. From here on in, I’m going to do my best to keep you updated with progress. I’m still pushing for a 2019 release.

Spark City was only the start. March of Magnus is the story I want to tell. It always was.

Once more, thank you all for the support - now go buy a spare copy of Spark city in case the other one breaks.

- Rob


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